English translation for "normal document"
- 标准文件
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- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Based on this , a new approach to extracting information from normal document based on an application ontology is presented that describes a domain of interest 本文还介绍了ontology的基本知识。在此基础上提出了一种基于语义的信息抽取新方法。 | | 2. | In real office work process , a normal document deals with many departments and many figures . it " s flow process is complex . so it requires perfect harmony 在实际办公过程中,一份文档的正式形成,它所涉及的部门多,经办的不同职位的人员多,业务流程复杂,因此对协同办公的能力要求强。 | | 3. | Secondly , it focuses on the technology of b / s mode developed on lotus domino / notes platfom . afterwards it presents a role - based access control model to sovel the problem of an normal document visited and operated safely by a different figure belong to a different department . and it presents a secure office workflow based on our designed secure access control model to make the document flow to the right figure user in network by workflow engine 接着重点研究了在lotusdomino / notes平台上实现web访问方式的技术特点,同时引入了基于角色的安全访问控制模型,解决了不同部门、不同身份的用户访问不同的文档信息和对文档的安全操作,使办公文档得以安全控制;在角色的安全访问控制模型的基础上,提出了基于角色控制的安全工作流模型,使文档在工作流引擎的驱动下,在网络环境中流向正确用户。 | | 4. | In this paper , based on the introduction of the system architecture and the basic knowledge of ontology , a new approach to extracting information from normal document based on an application ontology that describes a domain of interest is discussed 本文首先介绍了信息抽取技术及其产生背景和发展历史,分析了信息抽取系统体系结构、信息抽取的分类及信息抽取的关键技术和衡量指标,然后介绍了ontology的基本知识。在此基础上,本文提出了一种基于ontology的信息抽取新方法。 |
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